Universidad de Jaén

The University of Jaén (UJA) is a medium size public university located in the South of Spain. It received the Excellence Award from the European Foundation for Quality Management (2015) and it is in the Top 50 of the world’s best young universities according to THE (Times Higher Education), received the distinction of Campus of International Excellence in several fields such as Climate Change (CamBio) and the be awarded by the European Commission for excellence in Human Resource Strategy for Researchers (2019).
UJA has five faculties organized into 35 departments, three postgraduate educational centres and five specialized research centres, involving over 900 academics and 450 administrative staff offering services to more than 14000 students. UJA permanently welcomes foreigner students and academics and new research proposals as part of a conscious effort to increase its international profile.
Within the Faculty of Humanities and Learning Sciences, the research team in Didactics of Science and Mathematics led by Marta Romero Ariza has been involved in the development of innovative courses and materials to improve STEM education, such as those related to the European projects COMPASS, PRIMAS, MASCIL, PARRISE, INCLUSME, MASDIV, GEM, MOST, 3C4LIFE and pro-STEM. The main research lines developed are related to STEM teacher professional development on inquiry-based learning, the use of socio-scientific and the development of meaningful and relevant learning contexts. These pedagogies have been proven to be gender-sensitive and to increase students’ motivation and engagement in STEM learning and are especially useful to address diversity and promote fundamental values in STEM education.
In the last 5 years, The UJA research team in Didactics of Science and Mathematics has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education and different Teacher Centres to transfer research results. In collaboration with INTEF (National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Professional Development) a successful course on STEM education was offered to over 100 STEM teachers across the country. In the collaboration with CEDEC, the National Centre for the Curricular Design of Open Educational Resources (OER), the UJA team conducted a thorough research to evaluate the impact of OER on teaching and learning in different areas and educational stages. In collaboration with the Centre for STEM teacher professional development in Valencia, UJA has offered an intensive program for hundreds of teachers based on the use of the platform teach4life
The University of Jaén is part of International Centre for STEM Education (ICSE) and participated in the proposal and working group coordination of the European Network for Environmental Citizenship involving 39 countries and 134 researchers.
Website for international students
Marta Romero Ariza
Campus Las Lagunillas S/N
23071 Jaén (SPAIN)
She is Tenure in Science Education at the Department of Didactics of Sciences (UJA). She has been involved in teacher education and research-based improvement of STEM education for more than 15 years, through the use of Critical Thinking, Socio-Scientific Issues, Environmental Education, Inquiry Based Learning and ICT-enhanced STEM.
She has been engaged in several international projects (COMPASS, PRIMAS, Mascil, PARRISE, IncluSMe, MasDiV, GEM and MOST), in the last five, as the main researcher of the Spanish team.
She is the Director of the Department of Didactics of Sciences and member of the Governing Board of the University of Jaén. He is an expert in Science Education, STEM Teacher Professional Development, ICT-enhanced science learning and the analysis of research data for improving STEM education.
She works as Tenure in the Department of Didactic of Science. She is involved in both initial teacher training and professional development for in-service teachers. She has been involved in different European projects (some of them are PRIMAS, MASDIV, MOST or 3C4L) and published articles in international and national journals.
She collaborates actively with APICE (Spanish association for teachers and researchers on Science Education) and with Teachers’ Centres in professional development activities and events.
She is involved in several European projects (MOST, GEM, 3C4LIFE and proSTEM) aimed to implement teaching proposals based on research evidence to improve the teaching-learning processes of STEM disciplines through open schooling, sustainability, critical-thinking and cross-curricular approaches.
She obtained her PhD in Physical Chemistry, and she is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Specific Didactics at the University of Córdoba (Spain), where she has been involved in teacher education and research in Science Education since 2019.
She is an active research collaborator in the group lead by Prof. Romero-Ariza at UJA and is involved in several research projects aimed at: gathering empirical knowledge on the affective contexts of science and technology (S&T) education and the many factors that shape attitudes and motivations to learn S&T; and carrying out quality analyses of Open Educational Resources (OER) and the study of their impact on student learning.